Venus is the second planet from the Sun and also the third brightest planet after the Sun and Moon. It is sometimes called as the sister planet of the Earth because their size and mass are so similar to earth. The surface of Venus is hidden by a layer of clouds which are formed from sulphuric acid.
Some amazing facts:-
- A day on Venus land lasts longer than a year. It will take 243 Earth days to rotate once on its axis. It takes to revolve around the Sun 225 Earth days.
- Venus revolves in the opposite direction. Venus is revolving in the opposite direction to the Sun, this is called as a retrograde rotation.
- Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system and second brightest object. It can be seen during the daytime on a clear day.
- Atmospheric pressure on Venus is 92 times greater than the Earth. While its size and mass are same as to the Earth.
- Venus is sometimes called the Earth’s sister planet because The Earth and Venus are very similar. The difference in diameter is only 638 km. Venus having 81.5% of the Earth’s mass. Both even have a central core, a molten mantle, and a crust.
- Venus is additionally referred to as the Morning Star and the Evening Star. Early civilizations thought Venus was two completely different bodies, called Phosphorus and Hesperus by the Greeks, and Lucifer and Vesper by the Romans. Because It is being visible after sunset and is visible before sunrise.
- Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. The average surface temperature is 462 °C. because The atmosphere has around 96.5 percent carbon dioxide which absorbs heat and causes the greenhouse effect.
- Venus does not tilt on its axis so there is no season variation.
- First successful mission:- Venera 3 Soviet space probe crash-landed on Venus on March 1,1966. This is the first spacecraft which reach the surface of another planet.
- It is impossible to view Venus surface from outside because the dense clouds of sulphuric acid cover the Venus.