Earth is the third planet within the solar system and largest in the terrestrial planets. Whereas it is only the fifth largest planet in terms of size and mass. Earth is the only planet within the solar system not named when a mythological being. Instead of it, its name is derived from the English word "ertha" and the Anglo-Saxon word "erda" which means ground or soil. Earth has formed somewhere around 4.54 billion years ago and is currently the only known planet to support life.
Some facts about earth:-
- The Earth’s rotation is gradually slowing. This slowing is going on nearly unnoticeable, at close to 17 milliseconds per hundred years, although the speed at that it happens is not absolutely uniform.
- The Earth was once believed to be the center of the universe because of the apparent movements of the Sun and Plants with respect to earth.
- Earth has a powerful magnetic field. This is caused by the nickel-iron core of the earth. This field protects the Earth from solar radiation.
- There is only one natural satellite of the earth. It is the fifth largest natural satellite.
- Earth is the only planet not named after a god. The seven planets in our solar system are named after Roman God.
- Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were named throughout precedent days because they were visible to the naked eyes, the Roman technique of naming planets was maintained when the invention of Uranus and Neptune.
- The Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System. The average density of the Earth is approximately 5.52 grams per cubic cm.
- The gravity between the Earth and the Moon causes the tides on Earth.
- The Earth has an Ozone Layer which protects it from harmful UV rays.
- The first life on Earth developed within the oceans through a method called organic phenomenon or biopoiesis. this is a natural action during which life grows from non-living matter like simple organic compounds.
- Earth’s water was at first within the earth. Over time the Earth’s water was brought to the surface by the planet’s volcanic activity.
- Earth has comparatively few visible impact craters compared with other solid bodies in our solar system.
- The highest point on Earth is Mount Everest that reaches a height of 8.8 km.
- The lowest point on Earth is named as Challenger Deep which is at 10.9 km below sea level.
- Earth has among the most circular orbits in the eight planets. Its axis of rotation is tilted 23.4° away from the perpendicular of its orbital plane, which produces the seasons.