10 Zebu amazing facts

Zebus are the oldest domesticated breed of cattle in the world. They have a characteristic hump and from their throat hangs a large fold of skin called a dewlap. They are believed to have born from the wild ox of Borneo and Java and become domesticated in South Asia. They are one of the smallest breeds of cattle in the world with adults standing at just over 1 meter in height.

          Amazing facts about ZEBU:-

  • Zebus have a high resistance to disease and are very tolerant of intense humidity and heat.
  • In India, zebus are sacred and are used for producing milk.
  • Zebu is on the official stamp of Madagascar.
  • Zebu cows produce 2 liters of milk per day, whereas in European high-performance breeds have a peak production of about 80 liters a day.
  • The name “zebu” comes from the Tibetan word “ceba”, which means “hump".
  • Zebus are herbivorous. They graze on grass, flowers, and seeds.
  • They are ruminants, Zebus have a 4- chambered stomach and chew their food again and again.
  • In Madagascar, zebus are a sacrificial animal and they are killed and eaten at an event such as marriages, and New Year’s Eve.
  • Zebu becomes sexually mature at approximately 44 months of age. The female zebu gives birth to only one calf for each pregnancy.
  • The female is pregnant for about 285 days, however, this varies depending on her age and health. If the calf is a male, the pregnancy is often shorter than for a female calf.