The Zorse is a hybrid animal. The zorse is produced when a male zebra mating with a horse mare. The result of this crossbreeding is a horse-like animal with zebra-like stripes.
The breeding of these two species happens in the 19th century when it was first recorded by naturalist Charles Darwin. The size of the zorse depends on the breed of zebra using in breeding.
- The Zorse is a zebroid.
- zebras and horses like mammals fall in Equus genus of Equidae family.
- In Equidae family, the only living genus is Equus and All others are extinct.
- Any mammals that fall in genus Equus is named Equine.
- The Zorse is a hybrid animal of two mammals of the Equus genus. So, Zorse falls in the Equus genus too.
- Hence, A zebroid is an Equine hybrid.
- Zebras are not attacked by certain types of diseases and pests. Hence, Zorse is resistant to a certain type of diseases and pests and it is also known to be a very hardy and sturdy animal.
- A zorse is mostly just like a horse. The temperament, color, size, and shape come from the horse.
- The fur of a Zorse is usually coarse and short. The fur color can be varied.
- Zorses are social animals just like their parents "zebra and horse".
- Zorses are able to see with a view of almost 360 degrees, Only two blind spots are existed directly in front of their nose and directly behind their head.
- Zorses have incredible ability of sense of smell and have hearing abilities as well.
- A zorse cannot reproduce. This means they are completely sterile. but they show breeding behavior.
- A newborn Zorse can stand within one hour and Within a few hours, it can start running.
- Zorses are herbivores. They spend most of their time grazing. Their digestive system allows a continuous flow of food. This allows them to graze all day long.
- Zorses have unique strips just like a zebra. Two Zorses never have the same stripes.