The Japanese bush warbler (Horornis diphone), familiar in Japanese as uguisu is an Asian passerine bird additional typically detected than seen. Its distinctive breeding call is often heard throughout a lot of Japan from the beginning of spring. The bird is drab-colored and secretive. It is usually only seen in spring. In winter the call is a low chirping. The Japanese bush warbler tends to stay deep within the shadow of foliage throughout the day.
Amazing facts about Uguisu:-
Amazing facts about Uguisu:-
- The Uguisu is a small bird found in the Far-East, particularly in Japan.
- It is also known as the Japanese Nightingale.
- The bird has a lovely voice and sings a beautiful melody especially in spring.
- They are diurnal which means they are more active during daytime than at night.
- They are plain looking with olive green or light brown feathers and long tails.
- They are omnivorous and eat fruits, seeds, worms, insects, beetles, bugs, moths, grasshoppers etc.
- The Uguisu breed in spring when the males attract the females with their singing.
- The Uguisu lives for about 2–5 years and average clutch size is 3.
- The eggs are incubated by females for 2-3 weeks after which they hatch.
- The chicks are looked after by the mother till they fledge around 2 weeks.
- The droppings of the Uguisu is used in cosmetics as a skin whitening product.
- A female announcer with a pretty voice is also referred to as an Uguisu-Jo.