A unique, tiny South American monkey that's simply recognizable due to its striking bald head and bright red face. The uakaris' area unit uncommon among New World monkeys in that the tail length (15–18 cm) is considerably less than their head and body length (40–45 cm). Their bodies are covered with long, loose hair but their heads are bald. They have nearly nobody covering fat thus their bald faces seem nearly almost skull-like. Like their closest relatives the saki monkeys, they have projecting lower incisors.
Amazing facts about Uakaris:-
Amazing facts about Uakaris:-
- Unlike most monkeys, uakaris have terribly short tails but move agilely in the trees without them by using their arms and legs.
- Uakaris area unit quite social animals and lives in teams known as troops which can embrace about to 100 animals.
- They eat a fruit-heavy diet, but also consume leaves and a few insects.
- They are cautious non-aggressive animals and are usually tough to find.
- Females offer birth to simply one baby each 2 years.
- Uakaris reach sexual maturity at the ages of 3 (females) and 6 (males), thus populations grow comparatively slowly.
- They are threatened by the destruction of their surroundings and are currently classed as vulnerable to extinction.